3 Ways To Launch An Affordable Shopify Store


You’re excited to start a business on Shopify. Maybe you have an idea, or you’re just fascinated with the idea of launching and growing your own enterprise. You’re willing to take some risks, like leaving your current job, or not having any encouragements from people around you, and even you’ll not get personal revenue for a while. But there is always a hurdle that frustrates you: your business finance.

However, it can't stop you. Instead of hiring other people to work with you or over-investing in equipment, using Shopify is a creative way to build and grow your online store effectively and economically.

This article shows you 3 ways to launch an affordable that you must know if you don’t want to over-invest in unnecessary elements.

  • 1. Using Shopify Free or Paid Themes

  • Many people may not know that how your Shopify Store looks affect your credibility. Your business is credible, but for your first-time visitors - they don’t know that yet. The more professional and beautiful looking your website is, the more likely they will stay and find out more about your online store. So how they perceive you in the first few seconds, is going to make a strong impression.

    Using Shopify theme is an excellent & smart way to jump start your business and grow your sales online because they are designed to help keep your visitors stay longer in your store to find out what you can help them.

    Shopify provides you with both paid and free themes. So you can pick and choose to see which design fits your store the best. All themes are created by professional designers, not a group of coders who are fantastic at creating software, sitting down and designing.

    Here are 4 advantages of using Shopify for your eCommerce store:

    • Put Photography At The Centre: Shopify offers a great selection of high-quality themes, any of which would make a great starting point for your fashion store. Shopify themes can put photography right at the centre, using imagery to show off your products’ best features. You can focus the design of your store around excellent product and lifestyle photography, allowing visitors to envisage how your product fits into their lifestyle.
    • Natural Responsive: Having a responsive eCommerce site allows visitors to easily browse and interact with your site, whatever device they use. With smartphones expected to make up 60% of total traffic by the end of 2017, a great mobile experience is vital. A great advantage of Shopify Theme is all themes are responsive. With smartphones expected to make up 60% of total traffic by the end of 2017, a great mobile experience is vital.
    • Advanced Search & Filtering: Your product probably comes in various types, color, sizes, materials,...So allowing your visitors to easily filter down to the variants they want is essential. That’s why Shopify comes with some great search and filtering options for your store.
    • Great Social Integration: Social media is an incredibly important marketing and brand tool for every brand. With some great options, you can quickly link your social accounts to Shopify, making sharing and interaction easy for your customers. Beyond this, Shopify allows you to integrate your store directly into Facebook, your customers can buy straight via Facebook, Instagram, or even Facebook Messenger.

    Shopify themes can help make your store more beautiful and professional. Their themes are created by professionals, giving you all the up-to-date design elements of what works today within in the eCommerce world. This can give you a competitive advantage in attracting and generating more sales compared to other e-commerce store builders.

    2. Shopify Experts Can Also Help You

    Shopify Experts are designers, programmers, web developers or photographers (businesses or freelance) that have been listed in the Shopify Experts directory. There are lots of good people listed over there so if you need a helping hand that's a good place to start regardless of the size of your project. It's become a really useful resource for store owners.

    As a marketplace, Shopify Experts is where you can find 780+ experts to help you build your store from scratch, build you a custom theme, or just make some modifications to your existing theme.

    Hiring Shopify Experts can help you free up your time and so you can focus on other important aspects of your business by letting them do what they do best.

    3. Page Builder - Why Not?

    There is a reason page builders are becoming more and more popular: they’re an incredibly powerful tool for creating websites from scratch without dirtying your hands by coding.

    Let’s take a look at the answers that come from a single question: What does my business stand to gain from using a page builder?

    Page builder is developed and designed to make it simple for you to create your Shopify Store without coding & hiring professional designers. Page Builders for Shopify are easy to use because you only need to drag & drop, and just with some clicks.

    Moreover, there are plenty of themes and templates that are trendy & stylish for you to choose from, then you can edit them, save & reuse. It’s convenient!

    That’s a way for you to save time, save your money and focus on other aspects of your business.


    Starting and growing a business is challenging enough. At the first stage growing your store, it may come up with some financial hurdle but not enough to stop you. With 3 ways above, you will not worry about limited budget, and launch your store in an affordable way.


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    It always has been a project rooted in my passion for design. It’s not about reinventing the wheel, but about creating for its own sake, and making better versions of the products I want to own and use. This mindset of creation and attention to detail has allowed us to find success in unconventional ways, and to pioneer our own path as we’ve grown into a full brand.

    Sandra I. Weir
    Founder of Primrose Apparel

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